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• Declare that the purpose and power of God’s kingdom will be manifested at the convention. Mat. 6:10
• Pray that all planning and organisation towards the convention will go smoothly. Ps. 127:1
• Pray for an open heaven over each meeting, service and ministration during and after the Convention. Deut. 28:12; 26:4
• Ask for a daily outpouring of the Holy Spirit with signs and wonders during the convention. Mk. 16:20; Acts 5:2; Acts 2:17-19
• Pray against distraction during and after the conference. People will focus on the Lord. Pro. 4:25-27; Col. 3:1-2
• Pray against distractions that may hinder people from attending the Convention (sickness, work, accident). Ex. 23:25; Deut 7:15.
• Pray that God will magnify the simplicity of the word in the heart of the hearers. Ps. 19:7; 2 Cor. 11:3
• Travail that souls of all ages, gender and race be won into the kingdom and established in GH. Is. 2:2
• Ask for a push in the spirit to move those seating on the fence to make a right decision. Joel 3:13-14
• Decree that the veil of blindness to the gospel be unveiled for all to see the light of salvation. 2 Cor. 4:4; Ps. 36:9; 2 Cor. 4:5
• Pray for boldness and authority to preach the gospel as we take the gospel everywhere. 1Tim. 1:7; Acts 10:38
• Pray for strategies to win souls personally and grace to bear fruit that remains. Mat. 9:38; Pro. 11:30b; Mat. 28:19; Jn. 15:16
• Pray that the Holy Spirit will convict and convert the unsaved and backslidden during this convention. Jn. 16:8
• Decree that GH members become harvesters of souls. Mat. 9:37-38
• We declare that there shall be no calamity, loss of life or property during and after the Convention. Ps. 91:7-8
• Pray for the journey mercies for all Speakers, Music ministers and all those participants. Ps. 121:7-8; Ps. 105:13-15
• Contend with strongholds and resist the spirit of deception against the gospel in this region. Jer. 1:9-10; Acts 4:29-31; Ps. 24:7-10
• Prevail over evil powers assigned to close the heaven over your lives and GH. Is. 45:8; 2 Cor. 10:3-5
• Pray to frustrate the plans of Satan against GH and the Convention, it shall not prosper in Jesus name. Is. 54:17, Num. 23:23.
• Rebuke the spirit of prayerlessness and discouragement leading to the convention. Mat. 21:13; Is. 52:1; 2 Chron. 7:14; Eph 6:18
• Bind every demonic spirit, agents of Satan and the works of the flesh sent to hinder God’s work in GH. Mat. 18:18; Zech. 3:2
• Come against pollution by sin, there shall be no Achan in the camp and throw down altars raised against GH. Ezek. 20:39-40; Jos. 22:20
• Pray that the Convention brings a total turnaround in GH and will birth a revival in GH corporately and individually. Is. 32:15; Gen. 28:3; 35:11; Ps. 110:3; Hosea 14:7
• We declare that the glory of the later house shall be more that the former in GH. Ex. 24:16; Lev. 9:23
• Pray for the glory of God to envelope his Church; declare that the glory of the later house shall be greater. 2 Chron. 5:14; 7:1; Ps. 102:16
• Pray that the convention will usher GH into her next season in God’s agenda. Is. 60:1; 43:19; Ps. 84:7
• Pray that the convention will open doors for GH in the community, locally and globally. Is. 43:19; Col. 4:3; Acts 1:8
• Declare that protocol will be broken for you, your family and GH as a result of this Convention. Esther 9:2; Jos. 1:5
• We declare that every limiting boundary around GH, yourself and family be broken at this convention. Is. 45:2-3; Ps. 107:16.
• Pray that people will give willingly and joyfully towards and during the convention. 1 Chron. 29: 3, Ps. 126:5, 2 Cor. 9:6
• Pray that every worker, minister, Pastor will serve with Joy. Ps. 28:7, Neh. 8:10
• Pray that the workforce will work together as a team in unity and harmony; no one will break their rank. Ps. 133: 1-3; Joel 2:7-8
• Pray for grace to serve joyfully during the Convention. Col. 3:23-24
• God to turnaround schedules and bend rules in favour of the workers to ensure attendance. Judges. 5:2; Rom. 8:28
• Pray that workers will be spiritually sensitive and discerning during the Convention. Phil 1:9
• Decree daily salvation, deliverance, miracles, notable impact and undeniable ‘God activities’. Mk 16:20; Is. 10:27; Acts 10:38
• Pray that GH will break out to new levels spiritually, financially, materially and numerically from this Convention. Mic. 4:2; Zech. 1:17
• Decree that you will walk in peace and joy in all areas of life. Ps. 118:16; 2 Thess. 3:16
• Declare that all your days will be in health. Ex. 15:26; 1 Cor. 10:24
• Declare that wealth is found in all you do. Ps. 112:3; Prov. 8:21
• Receive grace for joyous prosperous relationships- marital, social, work, ministry & family. Ps. 118:16; Prov. 18:22; Amos 3:3
• Banish every form of failure, stagnation or barrenness. Col. 1:10; Lev. 26:9
• Decree that you will fulfil destiny; no containment, no stoppages, but consistent forward movement. 2 Tim. 4:7; 1 Cor. 16:9
• Pray that protocol will be broken for you and GH as a result of this convention Is. 60:10.
• Pray that every minister will minister in the grace and power of the Holy Spirit. Rom. 12:3
• Pray that God will strengthen, renew, replenish and refresh Pastor (Pastors, Ministers and Elders). 1 Timothy 2:1-3; 1 Pet. 5:10
• Ask for anointing for a fresh word on Pastor to speak as an oracle of God. Pro. 15:23; Is. 50:4; 1 Pet. 4:11
• Pray that God will reward our leaders, workers and ministers for good in all their faithful service. Ex. 23:25-27; Neh. 13:30-31
• I declare that as I partake of this convention my life takes a new shift; there shall be a total turn around for me and my family Job 22:28-29
• My life breaks forth on every side, no more containment or limitation.
• My spiritual life, finances, health and family life takes a new turn for better!