Divine Separation & Settlement
January Prayer & Fasting
1 Pet. 5:10; Ex. 14:20
Praise God for being the shield, salvation, supply, support and security for you and your family. Ps. 3:3; Ps. 18:46
Declare; ‘Today, I (house, church etc) become a spiritual Goshen, secure from evil, plague or devastation. Ex. 8:22-23; Ps. 91:10
Renounce evil covenants (personally, ancestral) and break free from demonic barriers to your prophecy. 2 Cor. 6:14, 17; Is. 49:25
Reject curses and evil words spoken over your life; it will not stand and pled the blood of Jesus. Gal. 3:13; Is. 8:10; Zech. 9:11
Pray for the salvation of family, friends, colleagues etc to secure their separation from the coming wrath. Heb. 10:31; Acts 16:31
Declare, ‘By bible revelation & faith actions, 2017 will be full of testimonies of success, victory & joy’ Jn. 8:32; Job 33:21-25
Thank God for a new day and declare an overflow of joy with daily divine direction by inner peace in 2017. Is. 55:12; Is. 30:21
Declare, ‘This is my year of Jubilee!’ What was stolen, refused or denied will be restored a thousand folds. Lev. 29:10; 2 Kg. 8:6
Pray for Pastor and the leadership for fresh manna (the word) and power to discharge their ministry in 2017. Is. 50:4; Ps. 92:10
Pray that God will mark you, yours and all GH members for safety in your journeys & endeavours in 2017. Ps. 105:13-15, Gal. 6:17
Pray that multitudes shall open their hearts to Jesus & more labourers will answer the call as soul winners. Is. 9:2; Mat. 9:38
Say, ‘I will be settled into my place preserved for me by covenant’ (job, home, marriage, business, promotion) Ps. 9:4; Ps. 68:28
Declare ‘The Lord will give grace and glory for assignment; no good thing will He withhold from me’. Ps. 84:11; 103:5; 2 Cor. 12:9
Pray that our nations will know rest (war, terror, catastrophe, disease etc) & shall wholesomely flourish. 2 Chron. 14:6; 17:14
Pray that this year is your set time for settlement & establishment. ‘No more delays; my waiting has ended!’ 1 Pet. 5:10; Ps. 102:13
All oppressors, opposition and enemies of progress in 2017 are rendered confused & blind. 2 Sam. 15:31; 2 Chron. 20:22; Ex. 14:20
Pray that all GH ‘agenda 2017’ and all undertakings will enjoy divine backing with personal, local & global impacts. Ps. 65:5; Ps. 16:6
Thank God for the great testimonies & exploits among the brethren that will attract many into the Kingdom. Is. 8:18; Jn. 14:12
Divine Seperation & Settlement: Janaury Prayer Point 2017
Written on 01/24/2017